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How to Spot a Dodgy Practitioner

Job interviews are typically the first and only chance prospective applicants have to impress you. Whether in person or over a phone or video call, you will ask said applicant a series of questions about his resume, education, experiences, and qualifications. And, although most applicants follow the honor code and submit an honest resume, some will still try and include qualifications that do not match their background. For example, a recent college graduate with over “five years of experience working as a Certified Six Sigma Black Belt” should be a major red flag. Unfortunately, Six Sigma practicing corporations are facing this dilemma; dodgy practitioners. To combat this, here are a few tips you can use to see if the new guy really is the Six Sigma professional he claims to be.

What Makes an Honest Practitioner?

First, the positives; what makes an honest practitioner? Certified Six Sigma will first provide evidence of their qualifications. Typically, this includes a certificate from a training program. For Black Belts, a four-week course is almost always mandatory. Additionally, their certification should be accredited from a formal institute or company. However, be aware that many fake accreditors will try and pass off their certifications as authentic! You can read more about this in our recent article, Fake Accreditation.

Second, your applicant should provide concrete examples of working on Six Sigma projects. For Certified Black Belts and above, full-time, project managerial roles are the standard. These professionals devote their time to assisting executives while managing the majority of core operations. Likewise, said employees will have experience training others, as well as mentoring Certified Green Belts along their own Six Sigma journey. Finally, they should be excellent communicators. From discussing business process improvements with management to managing customer relations, Six Sigma employees take pride in their roles and have a dire passion for constant improvement.

What is NOT an Honest Practitioner?

Now, the negatives; what to look for in a dodgy practitioner. Every year, hundreds of individuals claiming to be Six Sigma employees will submit phony resumes to employers, hoping to trick a recruiter into believing their qualifications. Yet, there are a few obvious signs that said applicant is not exactly who he claims to be. First, there should be not difficulty with asking concrete questions about the business methodology. Whether an applicant is beginning as a White Belt or is a Master Black Belt, all Six Sigma professionals have a base understand of the business process and can explain how and where to implement it.

Next, no evidence of Six Sigma projects is an obvious warning sign. Unfortunately, no governing body dictates whether a Six Sigma certification is legitimate or not. Because of this, employers expect examples of working on projects with other Six Sigma professionals as evidence of their qualifications. Finally, a dodgy practitioner will have no enthusiasm. As a Six Sigma professional, you understand the need for discipline, structure, and desire to better your business processes. Without this passion and self-determination, you can never truly be a Six Sigma employee.

SixSigma.com offers both Live Virtual classes as well as Online Self-Paced training. Most option includes access to the same great Master Black Belt instructors that teach our World Class in-person sessions. Sign-up today!


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