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Root Cause Analysis

Root Cause Analysis: Because Nothing is Perfect

Imagine having the knowledge of how to identify the root cause of any issue that could come up. This priceless knowledge is what we are offering in our exclusive root cause analysis training.

root cause analysis training

Why Is Root Cause Analysis so Important?

Root cause analysis can single-handedly eliminate an issue; and by eliminating the issue your business will run more efficiently. You’ll be able to give more focus to your customer base, because the issue that was causing issues for your business is gone.

A Simple Basic Step-by-Step Root Cause Analysis (RCA)

  • Define the Problem: Be specific and as detailed as possible.
  • Understand the Problem: Use actual data having to do with the problem. Make sure you have a clear understanding of the problem; this will ensure the correct root cause will be found and eliminated.
  • Immediate Action: The most obvious issue is usually located close to the “effect.”
  • Corrective Action: Identify the most likely underlying causes of the problem, and prioritize action taken from that point.
  • Confirm the Solution: After you’ve done all the preliminaries and have implemented the solution, make sure you confirm the success of the solution.

This would ensure that the new rules and methods would be established, thus avoiding the same problem from recurring.

So, What Tools Are Needed in Conducting a Root Cause Analysis?

Fishbone (Ishikawa) Diagram: This can help identify causes of the issue

Pareto Chart: This is a bar graph that visually shows significance of the elements involved.

Scatter Diagram: This graphs numerical data to help look for a common link.

5 Whys: This is by far the most creative and a very simple tool to use. You state your problem and start asking why until you get to the root cause. The simplicity is what makes this a genius tool.

We offer root cause analysis training in several cities. It is the most comprehensive course to date. Among many topics, you will learn:

  • The Problem-Solving Process Flowchart (8D Roadmap)
  • Flowcharts
  • Problem vs. Opportunities
  • Cause & Effect Mapping Methods
  • Using Facts, Evidence, and Assumptions

For more information about our root cause analysis coursework, please visit 6sigma.com.

SixSigma.com offers both Live Virtual classes as well as Online Self-Paced training. Most option includes access to the same great Master Black Belt instructors that teach our World Class in-person sessions. Sign-up today!


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