The fast pace and ability to complete it online
Applicability of methodology to every type of business!! Mark made even the most boring subject (in my case and I sure hope he doesn't get offended LOL) seem interesting. I'm not a fan of math, let alone statistics, yet he managed to make the whole time entertaining and interesting.
Instructor used real life examples, not just text where we wouldn't be able understand it.
The resources provided, templates etc
It was very easy to understand and follow and the instructor was awesome!
smooth transitions between topics, easy to follow with the instructor
Flexible and very helpful with instructions and steps
Learning how to break down complex structures into sub structures and even sub-sub structures until there is a clear and measurable criteria on how does it really work.
the resources that are provided
I liked that I was able to attend online- this allowed me a distraction-free environment in which to learn. I also very much appreciated the very well-put-together materials.
Instructor was an excellent presenter. Now i understand the tools.
I really liked Ed! His wealth of knowledge and breadth of experience really shone through. This course was chock full of information and he does an excellent job of bringing it back to the real world and sprinkling in examples of situations that he's worked through over the years. This really helped me envision how I could practically apply these techniques to my workplace.
Our instructor, Pete, was very engaging. He had real-world examples that he shared in story format which helped to demonstrate the application of the Six Sigma methodology. He ensured we had an understanding of the materials before we moved on and, because our group was so small, we were able to cover all of the material quickly. He is an excellent teacher.
open communication and knowledge of instructor