Use of the excel sheets to demonstrate first hand the use of the tools
That we can have the recording of the course for future thoughts as well as the booklet.
Bruce Gilbert explained concepts in a way that really helped me to understand them and made me want to use them in my work. (What good is a class if you do not see the real application for it?) I very much enjoyed Bruce sense of humor as well! Thank you so much for making this class enjoyable, Bruce!
I like the drawings of the steps and that I have the power point presentation to go back to for when I actually implement this
The fact that I was learning a new methodology (SIX SIGMA) that is being heavily used in manufacturing and industrial engineering, that I could now apply to IT projects.
Marc's way of providing this training
Marc has a great teaching style, very interactive, great real life examples, involves all participants.
the stories and insight
The instructor
The downloadable tools and the ability to get in and use them, C and E matrix FMEA etc. Learning from others as well as the instructor.
The instructor was knowledgeable, and clearly explained all topics.
It made me think about my processes and gave me examples of how to make them better. We don?t always have 3 days to ponder and brainstorm these types of things.
The professor went over all the material very clearly and engaged in our participation together as a group and I really loved that.
How I can apply the techniques to both my work and life processes.
Peter is a great instructor. I appreciated his style and knowledge.