I really liked the instructor and the interaction between the participants. There was a great group fell.
Instructor was knowledgeable, engaging, and enthusiastic about the materials covered.
Instructor is Super Awesome! The best training instructor I have ever had in my professional career (and I have been to a lot of trainings). Frank could talk about 'how paint dries on the wall" and he would capture his class' attention. Great presentation skills and keeping his class engaged.
The instructor put a lot of thoughts into creating a friendly environment and I really enjoyed the fact that he first explained the concepts and the examples and then reviewed the class material (slides).
Relevant learning material
The fact that it can easily tie into all workplaces, from manufacturing to a law firm.
Instructor was a good facilitator.
How applicable it was to every job prospect in my future.
The facilitator was very engaging
Real world examples of how to apply the information
In class examples helped understand the concepts. I enjoyed the rocket ship example the most since we were able to collect and interpret all our data.
Learned additional tools within Minitab which will be helpful in my current work/job.
The hands-on group exercises were great practice for us to apply the concepts learned in class. Plus, it promoted great cameraderie and collaboration amongst the teams and ultimately, made the class very engaging and interactive.
The methodology and application to my current work which is not a manufacturing setting. The analytical tools that i haven't used before.
Peter made the course fun but we missed Richard. I was worried about the different instructor but it went well.