The instructor was very knowledgeable, experienced and took time to answer all questions thoroughly.
Pete Usay is a great instructor and I learned a lot from him. Please tell him Mark B. really enjoyed his class for Green Belt.
I enjoyed the real world examples and discussions about how we can apply this skill in real life situations.
The instructor was very knowledgeable and able to translate all the tools to my particular business needs.
Outstanding instructor. Was able to instruct us how to apply materials learned into a practical solution. Not an operations person by background and learned a lot from this instructor. Very accessible.
Ed was a great instructor and he really made the class what it was. Having someone with his experience and the ability to impart that is priceless.
Instructor?s real world knowledge and ability to explain material in very practical, job-related manner
The experience of the instructor was great. It always helps to understand concepts when there are real world examples to apply.
The instructor was awesome. Knew her stuff and presented the info clearly and in an easily digestible manner.
The Class Interaction Was Great.... The young crowd was good for me
The course was great! The interactive portions with the helicopter and rocket were extremely helpful in getting a hands on understanding of the material.
The instructor wasn?t just reading a script, she is very knowledgeable of material, very fun class, participation was good especially for me being the senior in the class.. When I come to black belt in May and June in Elmhurst will be great to have Jaclyn Waldrup as an instructor again
Physical examples (helicopter, spaceship, Left/Right-hand circles) combined with actually doing the Minitab analysis (DOE/MSA/Regression) was an excellent learning tool.
Towards the end when we got to be more involved and it was less lecturing
Clear guidance and practical applications to specific areas. Great tools that can be used in many areas.