Presentation we very good. I liked the fact the instructor was able to break us off into 2 workgroups inside of Zoom.
How I can apply Lean not only to work but my personal life as well.
Practicing with the team and implementing Lean Six Sigma
The involvement, engagement, customization to meet my specific objectives... thank you.... amazing and wonderful learning program...
Very practical, and Greg really related the course material specific to my organization
I really enjoyed it! I wish we could have taken it in person for my personal learning style but overall really enjoyed the course.
David was a fantastic instructor. He was able to answer all questions and he gave many examples to reinforce the Lean concepts. David incorporated games into the course which made it fun too.
David helped by explaining clearly and was patient as we worked to understand. I really liked that and being able to work through each section with practice vice learning then applying.
The videos and our group discussions.
The material covered was very relevant and pertained to our daily processes. The instructor also did an excellent job of helping us to relate the materials to our experiences.
Presenter was clear and organized. he was able to illustrate with relevant examples without straying too far off course
Thank you, I have learned a new concept that can be applied to work and my personal life. Great job Global Knowledge team
All the theory provided was really clear and useful to be applied on a daily basis.
being able to get a generic framework from problem solving.
The material covered was applicable to my every day job. Real stuff I can use.