Customer Service Rankings for – It’s no secret that Amazon is the most customer-centric company on the planet – that’s clearly their aim and the mantra that Jeff Bezos lives by daily. We know that his approach to innovation and in improving the customer experience is based on Lean principles, such as frequent use of Root Cause Analysis and, while he and the Amazon team have received much credit, it’s nice to see Bezos proudly announcing such things on the homepage of the site.
Below is his recent announcement, touting the fact that Amazon’s goal to be the most customer-centric company is being widely recognized by others in industry.
Nice job, Jeff.
Dear Customers,
Our mission is to be Earth’s most customercentric company. I’m happy to report that Amazon has been rated #1 in the National Retail Federation Customers’ Choice Awards, has been awarded the top spot in the MSN Money Customer Service Hall of Fame three years in a row, and is a JD Power and Associates 2012 Customer Service Champion.
In addition, Amazon recently scored 86 top score on the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI), and 89 on the ForeSee customer satisfaction survey the highest ever attained by a retailer. And, our dedicated Kindle customer service team has received a 97.1% satisfaction rate from Kindle customers. We are grateful for and energized by this response.
You can count on us to continue working hard on setting everhigher standards for customer service.
Thank you for being a customer.
Some Commentary
- ACSI, as a measurement of satisfaction, is lacking in many, many respects. It’s a score, not a system or a program. In other words, ACSI produces a score ONCE per year, and provides no insight into how to improve customer satisfaction. It’s just a benchmarking milemarker.
- While Amazon is quite proud of its advocacy for the customer, the general worldview inside Amazon (at least when I was there) is that if Amazon is doing everything right, no customer should be calling, engaging chat, or emailing customer service. One and done – or A to Z is the worldview. In other words – go to Amazon to search, place in cart, pay, receive – then go on with your life. Convenience is a key value proposition.
Nevertheless, great job Amazon.
I agree that it would be great if customers never had to call Amazon…but sometimes customer error requires it. We recently ordered some books for our grandchildren, but made a typo on the delivery address; we entered “80” instead of “800.” It was our fault for not double-checking. Of course, the books were delivered to the wrong address. Since it was our error, we expected to be charged for the additional shipping. Instead, Amazon made the correction, and then shipped our order with overnight shipping – at no cost to us! Amazing! We’re very impressed with Amazon.